Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Onion, Carrots, Peas: 6/27/11

Onion grown from a set; carrots and peas grown from seed.

First onion harvested.

Carrot ready to be pulled.

First carrot harvested.

Three carrots, four pea pods. From the community garden plot.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Nasturtiums are Blooming

Seeds planted in early May in community garden plot. Flowers blooming in late June.

The Grotto Upper Level Gardens

On Sunday, June 26, I went to the Upper Level Gardens of The Grotto in Portland, Oregon. I traveled up an elavator that took me 110 feet high. This garden has many award-winning flowers. The Grotto has 62 acres of garden. It is a holy place and has many saints' statues. You cannot see it from the ground. It has over 1,000 plants and is home to the Pacific Banana Slug, the world's biggest slug.

This is what is in bloom in June:
  • Vinca Minor, Iris, Impatiens, Marguerite, Rose Campion, Foxglove, Dicentra, and Lilies
  • Rhododendron, Spirea, Lilac and Roses

The fountain in the middle of the Upper Gardens.

Rose in the rose garden.

A nice view.

St. Francis.

Some flowers.


A robin eating worms in the garden.

A yellow rose.

Part of the rose garden.

Roses that are white.

Another rose.

Pink rose.

Me in the Grotto's labyrinth.

Seed Germination Tally

100 fresh seeds from a cantaloupe. 25 on each paper towel square.
Started June 12.
Tallied on June 25.

Square 1: 11/25

Square 2: 2/25

Square 3: 3/25

Square 4: 14/25

Total seeds germinated: 30/100 or 30% of all cantaloupe seeds germinated in two weeks.

I think that maybe some seeds did not germinate because it was not warm enough.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Iceberg Lettuce Harvest

This head of iceberg lettuce was grown in our community garden plot. It was a Lowe's starter plant.

Here it is, harvested.

Me, with a bowl of my own, homegrown lettuce.

Closeup of lettuce.

Lettuce in a sandwich.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Baby Mantis on Leaf

Baby Mantis. Click on photo to enlarge.

Natural Pest Control

These examples are from someone else's plot in the Portsmouth Community Garden.

Beer bait for slugs and flea beetles.

Flash tape on bamboo teepees.

Flash tape fluttering in breeze.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Garden Update, Mid June

Nasturtiums, started from seed.

Iceberg lettuce, started from Lowe's seedling.

Peas, started from seed.

Beans, started from seed.

Onions, started from sets.

Pumpkins and melons, started from seed.

Newly transplanted tomato and pepper seedlings, started from seed.